Like most games involving zombies, survival is a core element of the gameplay. Dying Light: Definitive Edition is no exception to the survival rule. Players will be using any tools they can to fend off the hordes of infected, and the monstrous humans that are taking advantage of the falling society.

With Dying Light: Definitive Edition bolstering all the DLCs from the original release, Techland has outdone itself with the full package of content. There are weapons galore, and so many are worthy of use, but only some can make the list of essentials to keep players alive, and thriving as zombie-slaying professional freerunners.

10/10 Baseball Bat

baseball bat in dying light

It will be hard to find a zombie film or game that doesn't feature a baseball bat in some form. Whether that's a cricket bat, or a baseball bat, as long as it can swing, it's good enough. Dying Light: Definitive Edition features 16 variants of bats in the game.

The reason baseball bats are useful is because of their common rarity. They can be found and purchased from almost anywhere, and they certainly always pack a punch. Baseball bats can be used against all enemies, and players should always swing for the head for a home run.

9/10 Hellbeast Shotgun

hellbeast in dying light

Dying Light: Definitive Edition has a healthy mix of melee weapons and guns. One of the guns to feature in Dying Light is the Hellbeast, a craftable firearm that was made available with the 5th Anniversary Bundle. This DLC pack is included in Dying Light: Definitive Edition, meaning all players can use this blueprint.

Players will need 4 Metal Parts, 1 Duct Tape, 4 Nails, 1 Battery, 1 Tin Can, and 1 Electronics, and then the Hellbeast is theirs. The Hellbeast may not shoot fire, as the name would imply, but it's a very powerful shotgun and is great at taking out larger enemies, but its loudness can attract the terrifying wails of the undead.

8/10 Volatile Hunter Baton

the volatile baton in dying light

One of the best melee weapons in the games, the Volatile Hunter Baton is great for its early accessibility. By using this blueprint on any bat, crowbar, hammer, hatchet, military shovel, pick, police baton, or wrench, players will have a weapon that produces electricity and burns damage at once.

This weapon can be obtained through 2 Metal Parts, 2 Chemicals, and 1 Electronics. For an early-game weapon, the Volatile Hunter Baton is more than sufficient and can be taken very far into the game without the need for further upgrades.

7/10 Gonunaba

gonunaba in dying light

Most fans of survival games love hacking and slashing zombie hordes with a sword. A katana is perhaps the coolest blade one can have when it comes to slaying zombies. The Gonunaba is the ultimate katana and has become the most desired and sought-after katana of them all in Dying Light.

This fast-slashing weapon can cut down foes like they're paper, and stamina will not be an issue. However, this weapon may not be worth the time, as it has an extremely low spawn rate in Hard Mode (0.1%), and only a 1% spawn rate in Nightmare.

6/10 EXPcalibur

expcalibur in dying light

This weapon is a unique legendary sword that can be found on the island near the Fisherman's village. Obtaining the weapon is its challenge, but difficulty shouldn't serve too much of an issue, as players must hold down the action butter for 2 to 3 minutes without letting go, and then they will unsheathe the blade for their inventory usage.

The sword itself cannot be repaired but has a high amount of damage. It can also be crafted, but only as a silver variant, that has less damage and fewer abilities. It's a clear reference to King Arthur's blade Excalibur.

5/10 Fenris Axe

the fenris axe in dying light

Some weapons in Dying Light are locked behind unique challenges. One such weapon is the almighty Fenris Axe. The Bloodlust Bounty is the mission that players must complete to claim this weapon as a reward. The bounty involves the player having to cut off three heads in one swing, 30 times.

The beauty of the Fenris Axe comes from its power, and blood lust. With each kill, the weapon becomes stronger and deals more damage each time an enemy has a limb severed thanks to the axe. For players to know if it's working, simply watch the axe glow.

4/10 Rune Hammer

rune hammer in dying light

Another melee weapon, the Rune Hammer is noted for its aura and unique design on its front. It may fool players into seeming like a simple sledgehammer, but it is far from it. The Rune Hammer can easily strike for over 7,000 damage with the right mods and Power skills at the ready, making a fool of even the Demolisher types.

The Rune Hammer can be quite the achievement in itself to obtain, as it is no easy task. As a fantasy weapon, players will need to do some Harran Prison runs on Nightmare mode to get a chance to have the powerful two-handed weapon.

3/10 Harran Ranger Bow

harran ranger bow in dying light

With the Harran Ranger's Pack, the Harran Ranger Bow was released to players. This weapon deals a base damage of 400 per shot, with a single upgrade slot ready and waiting. The Ranger Bow is the best bow for its use early in the game.

This unique weapon can act as a stealth tool, as it is silent, and features a scope for accuracy. It's always fun to see bows in video games, as it brings players back to a more primitive time, in which a machine that fires hot led was not king.

2/10 Last Hope

last hope from dying light 2 weapon in dying light

With the release of Techland's new game, Dying Light 2, they returned to Dying Light to provide players with the chance of their latest, and perhaps last weapon: The Last Hope. This weapon is unique to Dying Light, as it is a Dying Light 2 weapon. Its design is also unique, as it features a traffic sign that has become an axe.

Of all one-handed weapons, the Last Hope boasts the highest damage potential. It is obtainable through Techland's website, in which players will need to register, go to the Actions section, and gain XP to rank up on the site. At Tier 1, Level 5, players can unlock the Last Hope for their game.

1/10 Volkan Combat Assault Rifle

volkan assault rifle in dying light

No weapon can change the game quite like the Volkan Combat Assault Rifle. This gun features the most convenient style of play, with a stealthy and powerful kick. This is thanks to its built-in silencer, scope, and large clip size.

This assault rifle won't attract any infected from swarming to the loud noise of piercing bullets, as it is completely silent. It can be used to treat all kinds of infected, and even to silence those pesky human enemies that would want a piece of this great weapon.

Dying Light is available now for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

MORE: Things We Loved About Dying Light